There are many interesting coffee-making methods being employed in cafés around Wellington these days. In theory this is all in pursuit of different shades of coffee flavour and feel… but I’m shallow: my favourites always seem to be ones involving elaborate glassware.
So today, on my weekly visit to Customs Brew Bar to pick up some more of their fresh Harrar beans, I was very happy when Ralph invited me to stick around for a little bit, as he was going to crank up the Cona Siphon.
Yes: yet another siphon brewing device, but this one is surely the coolest looking coffee making device (outside of, arguably, a balance brewer) available today.
Here’s a video of the action1 taken with (and lashed together on) the iPhone:
Cona Siphon @CustomsBrewBar from dubh on Vimeo.
Oh, and the coffee tasted great too. Thanks Ralph!-
Because what the world needs, of course, is more videos of people making coffee. ↩︎