autumn weekend

Last weekend, being helpfully annexed to that most sacred of Australasian secular holy days Anzac Day, was a long one. And so we went over the hill into the Wairarapa to Masterton to stay with R.’s parents.

It’s lovely and autumnal over there at the moment, and while we were there the weather held (against expectations) and we had warm fine days for the most part.

wairarapa autumn sky

Masterton is blessed with Queen Elizabeth Park. It’s a good place to wander about in at this time of year - acres of exotic trees all coloured beautifully; a lake; a pretty good kids playground; and at the weekend, a miniature train. Fun for everyone:

the miniature train

And I forgot to mention one of the best Cafés in the Wairarapa - Café Cecille - is in the park, with another café over the way at the very fine Aratoi Museum of Art and History.

But enough of the travel-guide stuff. At the end of it all, the kids had the most fun with the simple stuff - and some new friends - and so here’s my favourite photo of the weekend:

autumn joy

It’s been a long, mild autumn so far. Long may it last…

Gathadair @dubh
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